A second member of the PSP family has completed their auditing qualification this year. This further strengthens our internal quality and means we can undertake regular quality audits across all our departments.
PSP always works to an ISO-standard, and our in-house procedures are continuously audited to ensure they always remain up to date. Our dedication to quality means that every client receives the same experience no matter the project, and ensures the business is performing at its best.
We take sheer pride in the quality and always provide the very best service and value for our clients.
These were two of the many courses our staff has done that PSP has fully paid for. We are passionate about developing our staff into the very best talent, which is why we regularly pay for training in areas where it is needed. This year we have paid for multiple courses for our staff, such as:
- Microsoft development and integration (to a Microsoft Gold standard)
- Magento development
- PHP development
- Marketing
- Software Testing
- Quality and auditing
27th July 2022